Custom Automation I will build custom automation into your website if needed. Automation is content that should appear when necessary such as Seasonal content Limit time offers New product or services offers Holiday messages and any other content that is not a permanent part of your business. Hands Off This allows you to spend time […]
Category: Development
Weather you need a new website built from the ground up, or you need someone to troubleshoot and maintain an existing WordPress website, you’re at the right place. The frontend of a website, or the part that the public sees and interacts with your business from is only half of the website. You have to […]
Admin Dashboard
WordPress Dashboard Out of the box, WordPress has a few widgets in the dashboard area that are directed to website builders and offers no actual use to a website administrator. A few of the widgets may have some use. Many plugin developers take advantage of the fact that many website builders don’t know how to […]
Custom Help Tabs
Where Is Your Website Notebook? You know, the one with all of your notes on how to use your website. Get rid of it. WordPress comes out of the box with a help tab with some general information about features of a WordPress website. One of the most under utilized features of WordPress is customizable […]
Custom Fields
Minimal Plugins Too many plugins on your WordPress, eventually is going to create a problem. Many plugins available are just for features that a developer should be able to create easily. Necessary Plugins There are plugins that are completely necessary such as a quality custom form plugin or WooCommerce and many others. I only use […]
Custom Forms
Any type of custom form contact to email newsletter signup. […]
Custom Content Types
Dashboard Menu Before Out of the box, WordPress comes with two main content types. Posts and Pages. This was meant to be a starting point, but winds up being a catch all by many WordPress developers. Content is organized using dozens of categories and tags. Your website usually becomes very convoluted and confusing to keep […]
Clean Code & Organization
This is directly from the WordPress Developer Guide. Coding Standards Documentation Standards A lot of emphasis is put on this for the purpose of maintaining your code and extensibility. With proper coding, you should never outgrow your WordPress website. I adhere strictly to these standards. […]
I am a PHP developer. Plugins & Themes WordPress is built with the PHP programming language. All plugins are written in PHP, and themes are loaded with PHP template tags. Although many WordPress developers rely on dozens of plugins, without PHP knowledge your website will eventually reach a stagnant point or even code conflicts. I […]