
Theming is where the presentation of your business happens. You certainly want to put your best foot forward. The sky is the limit here, and there are a few different ways you can achieve this. We’ll discuss your options in the following sections.

Free Themes

WordPress themes are an entire market within the WordPress development world. You can find a theme for just about any business type. Free themes are a great marketing strategy for theme developers and it gives you an opportunity to try before you buy. Then there comes a time when the free theme no longer satisfies your business needs but not to worry. Theme developers also offer custom theming or Premium themes.

Premium Themes

Premium themes are a great way to get beyond the free, try it first features of the free themes. There are many outstanding choices of premium themes available, and there probably is one that will meet your business needs at any level of growth.

Some of the downsides of premium themes is cost, and some have so many options that learning all of the features can become a task in itself. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because it gives the non-coder the ability to build and maintain a WordPress website. Just drag and drop or click options and you have a beautiful professionally built, and completely customizable theme for your business.

Probably two thirds of the code written for a premium theme is specifically to add the drag and drop or click features to the theme. If a developer builds a custom theme for you, then those features become overkill. There is nothing that a premium theme can do for your website that a developer can’t do and vice versa.

If you have a premium theme and need someone to maintain it for you, I’ll be happy to help you with that.

Base Themes

There are a lot of build tools that developers and theme developers use in the development process such as JavaScript, Bootstrap, Sass and many others. At one time it was very time consuming just to get set up to start developing. This is where base themes come in. A good base theme has all of the build tools built in and you can be up and running very quickly so you can begin the development process quickly.

There are quite a few base themes available and developers all have their own preferences, but just about all of them are highly capable to get started custom theming. I use Understrap and Understrap-child themes not because they are better, but my personal go to base theme. I give them props for a great product, and they also offer premium themes, so check them out.

If you need a website built from scratch or you need a new look for your existing site, I can help you with that.